Saturday, September 15, 2007

Getting Back Into It

Wow. I’ve really neglected my blog, haven’t I?

I upgraded to the new version of Blogger and now my third party editor, w.bloggar, won’t work. Frustrating.

So I have downloaded BlogJet and trying it out for 30 days.

Colbert, Fr. Martin and Mother Teresa

Hilarious commentary I saw last night based on the TIME article "Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith". A bit irreverent, but funny nonetheless.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

In Memory of Maxine B.

From and email I received today:

Maxine, peacefully passed away through the night. She fought the good fight, but ultimately she let Our Lord lift her up to His arms. There is no doubt in my mind that she is happily with Him now. Thanks for your prayers and I ask that you continue those prayers for Jim and their family.

Eternal rest grant unto Maxine O Lord,
And let perpetual Light shine upon her.
May her soul
And the souls of all the faithful departed
Through the mercy of God
Rest in peace.