Monday, April 17, 2006

Blogging Absence

I appologize for not blogging recently. We have entered the "testing window" for the Kentucky State Assessments and tomorrow is the first day. One of the great things about being a principal of an alternative school is that I do not have to supervise games, dances, etc. One of the bad things is that I also double as a guidance counselor (those responsible for organizing and distributing testing materials, ugh!)

I am going home now after a 14 hour day.

I am planning to write on the services during Holy Week at St. Mark this week (better late than never, I guess).

I am also redesigning MCR to be a crisper, cleaner look, 3-column look.

Be patient, my fellow readers (all 10 of you). I'll be back soon.

Until then, Happy Easter Season!


Matthew said...

I love the new look of your blog. How did you do it? I didn't see a Blogger option that had 3 windows.

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

The layout design looks fantastic! Very nice.