What this article doesn't say about tonight's or either of the Evening Among Friends events (last year's inaugural was hosted by Regis Philbin) was that both were created to give something back to the community.
Last year's event benefited the local YMCA and Kids Connection (local organization helping children in the community) as well as our church debt.
This year the proceeds will help the Madison County Habitat for Humanity and to Hello Friend: Ennis William Cosby Foundation.
Kathy and I are going with my mom and dad this evening. I'll let you know how the performance goes. It should be a great time!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
For a Good Cos
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Minute Meditations - April 29
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
(John 14:6)
"Many want to go ahead of Christ not after Him - by laying out a way to their own specification. They seek to serve God and obtain virtue without effort.
But they deceive themselves, for Christ is 'the way'."
Lord Jesus, guard me from the desire to take the easy way. Grant that I may faithfully and diligently follow the way You have traced out to the Father for us.
Tags: Minute Meditations
Friday, April 28, 2006
Divine Intervention - Gamaliel's Counsel
In today's first reading, we are introduced to a Pharisee in the Sanhedrin named Gamaliel. He was a respected teacher of the law, and it was at his suggestion (or was it really?) that the Sanhedrin tread very carefully in their decision to put the Apostles to death. His argument was that, based on past experiences with Thadeus and Judas the Galilean, the followers of men are often dispersed once their leader is dead. Gamaliel warned the people of Israel that if Jesus was not who He claimed to be, then these followers, the Apostles, would soon disappear. However, his argument continued, if Jesus really was who He said He was, then their battle with the Apostles would be a battle with God. And that wasn't a place Gamaliel wanted to be.
Interestingly enough, the following excerpt from the Catholic Encyclopedia had this to say about Gamaliel:We learn from Acts, xxii, 3, that he was the teacher of St. Paul; but we are not told either the nature or the extent of the influence which he exercised upon the future apostle of the Gentiles...The Jewish accounts make him die a Pharisee, and state that: "When he died, the honour of the Torah (the law) ceased, and purity and piety became extinct." At an early date, ecclesiastical tradition has supposed that Gamaliel embraced the Christian Faith, and remained a member of the Sanhedrin for the purpose of helping secretly his fellow-Christians (cf. Recognitions of Clement, I, lxv, lxvi). According to Photius, he was baptized by St. Peter and St. John, together with his son and with Nicodemus. His body, miraculously discovered in the fifth century, is said to be preserved at Pisa, in Italy.
A simple Google search on Gamaliel's counsel turned up a variety of interesting pieces touting his wisdom. I like to think it was more than wisdom that led him to advise Sanhedrin to ust beat the pulb out of the Apostles and forbid them to preach in the name of Jesus. I like to think there was Divine Intervention at work there, and throughout the history of Christianity.
Oh, and the Apostles, after they were flogged and forbidden to preach, left the Sanhedrin and rejoiced that they were made to suffer in the name of Jesus. How many of us have experienced real persecution for what we believe? Would you be willing to be beaten or killed to hold fast to what you know to be true? Should we thank God for living in a free country where we can proclaim what we know to be true? Certainly. I think we should look forward to the opportunity to suffer for what we belive, for it is in suffering that He is glorified!
I try and find quiet times times throughout the day to pray. As a school principal, and a father of three kiddos, you can imagine that finding that time can be difficult. It can be challenging for many of us. Now, thanks to pray-as-you-go (PAYG) is become a little easier.
This trial-site, which originally opened for business to offer daily downloadable audio files to aid in prayer during the Lenten season. The response was so great that they decided to extend the trial period through the Easter season as well.
This site offers:
This site is offered through the Jesuit Media Initiative out of the UK.
So, get out your ipod, burn that RW CD, or fire up iTunes and listen to the podcast. This is a great opportunity for commuters and busy people to put prayer back into lives!
Don't forget to stop by and fill out the questionnaire. We don't want this one to go away!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
St. Mark the Evangelist
Today is the feast day of St. Mark the Evangelist and Apostle. He is the patron saint of my parish and its school.
Some facts about St. Mark:
I think one of our challenges as Catholics is to be more like St. Mark. To be an evangelist not only in word, but in action. We Catholics aren't comfortable with spreading the Word. We are very comfortable going to Mass, confession, and praying privately. Jesus challenges us, like he did the Apostles after His resurrection, to go out into the world and spread the Good News. Many of the early Christians left and lost their earthly lives to gain eternal life. The least we could do is be evangelists in the way we live ours.
For more on St. Mark, you can find Lessons from St. Mark here.
Monday, April 24, 2006
On Comments
Once again, I have received an anonymous comment in reply to my post on St. Mark School. I took the post and comments off this blog for a time while I prayed about what and how I was going to respond. Activating my comment moderation was in response to some inappropriate spam I had been receiving, not in response to the anonymous comments.
I do want to make something very clear to those reading this blog. MCR was created as a creative outlet for me to aid in my spiritual and prayerful growth within the Church and my personal life. I could have easily just picked up a journal and a pen, something I have done in the past, and not followed through with it. MCR has allowed me to come in contact with other people who are struggling and scapping in their spiritual life as well. Through its readers, it offeres me support and (though I shouldn't want it or derserve it) affirmation in what I am doing.
I do not want MCR to be a forum for others to promote their own agendas through general, ubstantianted and accusatory comments towards anyone! I try to keep this blog Christ-centered and will continue to do that through prayerful and careful reflection on what I write, before I post it. I ask that those who comment do the same.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Comment Moderation
I have activated the "comment moderation" function of this blog for the time being. I have been receiving what appears to be spam in my comment box, but has gotten through word verification. So, for the time being, I will be screening all comments before they are published.
Friday, April 21, 2006
In Memory of Jane Stewart
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Jane Stewart, my maternal step grandmother who passed away on April 15, 2006.
We traveled to Cincinnati today for the services/funeral. She was very sick, having suffered a stroke ten years ago which left her unable to speak and confined to a wheelchair. It was bittersweet seeing the relatives - under different circumstances is always better.
After the graveside service at St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery, we stopped at LaRosa's Pizzeria on Boudinot (fomerally Pizza Inn), a favorite place of my mom and dad's growing up. We had a good time remembering Grandma Jane and her love of life, family, and holidays.
It's funny, we have gone to a LaRosa's after the last three funerals of my grandparents (Jane Stewart, Henry Norton, and Helen Norton). We did the same thing then as well.
Grandma Jane was the last of my grandparents to pass away.
For all my grandparents who have passed away in the last 10 years - Harold Stewart, Helen Norton, Henry Norton, and Jane Stewart:God our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives, and by Your command we return to dust.
Lord, those who die still live in your presence, their lives change but do not end. I pray in hope for my family, relatives and friends, and for all the dead known to You alone.
In company with Christ, Who died and now lives, may they rejoice in Your kingdom, where all our tears are wiped away. Unite us again in one family, to sing Your praise forever and ever. Amen.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
St. Mark School: Reflections from a Parent, Parishioner and Principal
I have recently received two anonymous comments (here and here) regarding the turmoil some are feeling at my kids' school, St. Mark.
I have posted before on what a great school I think St. Mark is. As an alumni of St. Mark School, my wife and I are ardent supporters of Catholic education and have been very happy with St. Mark and the role it has played in the development of our children's academic and moral education.
While I have posted links (above) to the comments in the permalink of the post they are attached to, I want to draw them out so I may comment on them.
Comment from April 14, 2006:Your passion for Catholic thought and insight is inspirational! The efforts you are putting forth will lead people to Christ! Please tackle the difficult question of why the local Catholic school (St Mark School)is being torn apart by internal strife and conflict. Having good Catholic teachers (with many years 15+ of uplifting and spiritual service) leave the school! Many people are hurt and dismayed by these actions.
Comment from April 20, 2006:Please tackle the difficult question of why the local Catholic school (St Mark School)is being torn apart by internal strife and conflict. Having good Catholic teachers (with many years 15+ of uplifting and spiritual service) leave the school! Many people are hurt and dismayed by these actions.
First of all, I'd like to thank the commentor(s) on their compliments. It is my hope that MCR will bring me closer to Christ, and I pray that anyone who reads it will come closer to Christ through what I share. As far as inspirational, I wouldn't go that far...
Now on to my reflection on what is going on at St. Mark. Please remember that these comments come from a parent of children at the school, as one who has received state certification to be a school principal, and not from my role as Pastoral Council Chair or as an employee of the Madison County School District. I just want to make that clear.
As a parent, I am very content with the education, both academic and spiritual, my children are receiving at St. Mark. I feel like the tuition I am paying to St. Mark, and the sacrifices my family is making in order to pay that tuition are worth the "return" I see in my children. Kathy and I feel like spiritual and academic teaching starts at home and is reinforced at school. We are comfortable with not only this year's progress, but are already excited about next year.
I understand that there are teachers who are leaving. I have not personally spoken to any of them about why they are leaving. I can suspect why they may be leaving, but in the end, revealing my suspicions here, in this forum, would only add to the gossip and negativity I hear coming from a few vocal disgruntled parents. I pray for them as they emabark on new careers or enjoy retirement. I also pray that the principal will find quality Catholic teachers to fill their positions who will in turn fill the minds and hearts of their students.
As an educator, and as a principal, I know that teachers come and go. In my 31 years of being associated with St. Mark School, I have observed many teachers and administrators as a student, parishioner, and as a parent. We have been very fortunate at St. Mrk School to have quality Catholic and non-Catholic teachers in that time. Some have stayed for a very long time, some have stayed one or two years. Some have left of their own accord, and some have been asked to leave.
As an administrator, I know that communication is essential in any good school. I rely on my teachers to communicate to me their concerns and questions. I welcome the comments of parents. My decisions are informed ones, and do not always sit well with my teachers and parents. There are things, as a principal, I am aware of which are for my information and help me make my decisions. It would make my job much more difficult, and unnecessary, if I were to share those things with my staff. That's why I am an administrator.
In the last 31 years, I have always been welcomed when asked to talk with principals and teachers, either as a student, parishioner, or parent, at St. Mark. I have not always gotten the answers I wanted, but I have always gotten answers. I trust in the Lord that He is guiding the leadership and staff of both our parish and school at St. Mark.
I am saddened that some parents and teachers are unsatisfied with St. Mark. But in reality, that happens. And in my opinion, we all have to ask ourselves if staying or leaving is what the Lord wants us to do. As parents, we should be thankful that we have the opportunity and means to choose which school our chidren go to. As educators, we should be thankful for the gifts and talents the Lord has given us to open the minds, hearts and souls of those we teach.
I know this rambles a bit, but I hope it satisfies my anonymous commentor(s). If not, please feel free to leave additional comments.
Here's a prayer I think we all should pray:Please Lord bless those who teach and administer to Catholic schools. Bless the children who learn and help open their mind to a valuable education. Bless those who support the schools financially and through volunteer efforts. Amen.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
On Real Life Radio
I wanted to relay a story I just heard on Real Life Radio this afternoon as I was running an errand to Central Office.
It was a call-in program (I am unsure which one) and the listeners were revealing their conversion stories and experiences of coming into the Church this Easter.
One man called in and related that he was raised in the Assembly of God Church, had a seminary education and was very active in his church. Through a series of unfortunate events, he told God to go His was and he would go another. He said God knew where he was if He wanted him.
This man then lost his job in the computer industry and got another job as a truck driver. He said God broke his radio so that the only station he could listen to was Immaculate Heart radio. He further explained that though he could have just turned the radio off, since he was "finished with God". However, he continued to listen. He said it was refreshing to hear Catholic teaching coming from Catholics.
This led him to buy a Catechism of the Catholic Church and read it cover to cover, calling it "the best theological book" he has ever read.
There were other great stories lke this, but God working through the radio puts a whole new spin on JPII's encouragement of evangilization through the media!
Praise be to God!!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Blogging Absence
I appologize for not blogging recently. We have entered the "testing window" for the Kentucky State Assessments and tomorrow is the first day. One of the great things about being a principal of an alternative school is that I do not have to supervise games, dances, etc. One of the bad things is that I also double as a guidance counselor (those responsible for organizing and distributing testing materials, ugh!)
I am going home now after a 14 hour day.
I am planning to write on the services during Holy Week at St. Mark this week (better late than never, I guess).
I am also redesigning MCR to be a crisper, cleaner look, 3-column look.
Be patient, my fellow readers (all 10 of you). I'll be back soon.
Until then, Happy Easter Season!
Sunday, April 9, 2006
Chrism Mass
My mom and I were honored when our parish's Director of Liturgical Ministries asked us (at the request of the pastor, Father Jim Sichko) to represent St. Mark at the Lexington Doicese's Annual Chrism Mass. We were encouraged to bring our families to this "very nice celebration." He was right - it was a very nice celebration, though for our kids (ages 9, 7, and 5) it was a little longer of a Mass than they are used to. As the "banner carrier" I had to be at Christ the King Cathedral at 9:30. The Mass started at 10:30 and ended at about 12:30. Not the usual school Mass (40 minutes), weekday Mass (25 minutes) or Saturday night Mass (45 minutes) the kids are used to. But, then there was alot packed into the Chrism Mass. The Mass was attended by at least two representatives of each church in the Lexington Diocese. Additionally, almost all the preists and deacons and deaconate candidates were there as well. Parishes were asked to encourage parishioners to the celebration. We had about ten people (including my family of 5 and my mom) come from St. Mark and St. Stephen. Bishop Gainer was the principal celebrant of the Mass, with the Lexington Diocese Priests being concelebrants. The Master of Ceremonies was our own Director of Liturgical and Collegiate Ministries! The Chrism Mass continued as a regular Mass would, with the Rite od Recommitment to Priestly Service and the Procession and Blessing of the Oils occurring after the Homily. The Distribution of Holy Oils proceeded after the Prayer After Communion. As I was sitting in the pew before Mass, it dawned on me how Universal the Church really is. Here I was, a single parishioner from one of 69 Catholic Churches in the Lexington Diocese, which is one of six dioceses in the Louisville Province, which is one of 35 Provinces in the United States which is..... Well you get the picture. I was very humbled to be a part of this ceremony. I wanted to do more, to somehow get to know my fellow Catholic within this Diocese. I decided, while holding the St. Mark banner during the Distribution of Holy Oils, that I would go on a pilgrimage which would take me to all the churches in our diocese. As I went over it in my head, I realised that going to one church a week would not only take over a year, but would make me very disconnected with my own parish - just the opposite goal I wanted to achieve. So instead, with it being very difficult for me to comprehend being part of the "instant gratification generation", I decided my family and I would go yo one church per month, taking us almost six years to complete! That's providing the churches are still in operation and no new churches have been added. I will post more on my family's pilgrimage later as I get some of the details worked out!
Lexington Diocesean Pilgrimage - Church List
Lexington Diocese Churches
Holy Family, Ashland, KY
St. Gregory, Barbourville, KY
Queen of All Saints, Beattyville, KY
St. Clare, Berea, KY
Holy Family, Booneville, KY
Good Shepherd, Campton, KY
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Carlisle, KY
Sacred Heart, Corbin, KY
St. Stephen, Cumberland, KY
Sts. Peter & Paul, Danville, KY
St. Sylvester, East Bernstadt, KY
St. Joseph the Worker Mission, Elkhorn City, KY
Good Shepherd, Frankfort, KY
St. John the Evangelist, Georgetown, KY
Sts. John & Elizabeth, Grayson, KY
St. Lawrence, Greenup, KY
Holy Trinity, Harlan, KY
St. Andrew, Harrodsburg, KY
Mother of Good Counsel, Hazard, KY
St. John Neuman, Hode, KY
Holy Cross, Jackson, KY
St. Boniface, Jellico, KY
St. George, Jenkins, KY
St. William, Lancaster, KY
St. Lawrence, Lawrenceburg, KY
Cathedral of Christ the King, Lexington, KY
Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary, Lexington, KY
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Lexington, KY
St. Paul, Lexington, KY
St. Peter, Lexington, KY
St. Peter Claver, Lexington, KY
Holy Spirit Parish/UK-Newman Center, Lexington, KY
Pax Christi, Lexington, KY
St. William, London, KY
St. Jude, Louisa, KY
Church of the Resurrection, Lynch, KY
St. Ann, Manchester, KY
St. Paul, McKee, KY
Holy Angels, McRoberts, KY
St. Julian, Middlesboro, KY
St. Peter, Monticello, KY
Jesus Our Savior, Morehead, KY
St. Patrick, Mount Sterling, KY
Our Lady of Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, KY
St. Luke, Nicholasville, KY
St. Sylvester, Ottenheim, KY
St. Julie, Owingsville, KY
St. Michael, Paintsville, KY
Annunciation, Paris, KY
St. Mary, Perryville, KY
Jesus of the Mountains, Phelps, KY
St. Francis of Assisi, Pikeville, KY
St. Anthony Mission, Pineville, KY
St. Martha, Prestonsburg, KY
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Ravenna, KY
St. Mark, Richmond, KY
EKU-Newman Center, Richmond, KY
St. Luke, Salyersville, KY
St. Mildred, Somerset, KY
Our Lady of the Mountains, Stanton, KY
St. Leo, Versailles, KY
Prince of Peace, West Liberty, KY
St. Francis De Sales, White Sulphur, KY
Good Shepherd Chapel, Whitley City, KY
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Williamsburg, KY
St. Joseph, Winchester, KY
Saturday, April 8, 2006
New Poll!
How often do you attend Mass in your Diocese - but at a church other than your home parish? I am interested to find out.
Today, at the Chrism Mass, I was able to see representatives from all the parishes in the Diocese of Lexington, KY. There are 69 churches in our diocese, and I sat there (before Mass started) wondering about the individual parishes, priests, goals, missions, etc.
So I got an idea - an inspiration - a revalation if you will. More on that later. For now, please vote. And spread the word.
- BTW - Peanut Butter Patties got 50%, Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Sandwiches were tied at 2nd with 21%, Carmel deLites placed 3rd with 7%, and nobody voted for Shortbread, Reduced Fat Lemon Pastry Cremes, Reduced Fat Cartwheels, or Thanks-A-Lot.
Thanks-A-Lot for voting, all 14 of you!
Friday, April 7, 2006
Saint of the Day - St. John Baptist de la Salles
Today is the optional feast day of the patron saint of teachers and school principals (yeah), St. John Baptist de la Salles.
From Catholic Culture:
St. John Baptist de La Salle was born in Rheims, France. He was known as the Father of Modern Pedagogy. He opened free schools for poor children, introducing new teaching methods. He organized the congregation called the Brothers of the Christian Schools, which made great contributions to popular education.
Generations of schoolboys have been taught by the Christian Brothers, and their founder, St. John Baptist de la Salle, is familiar in their prayers and devotions. "Brothers Boys" are scattered all over the world and all of them have fond memories of their "De la Salle" days.
John Baptist de la Salle was born at Rheims in 1651, became a member of the cathedral chapter at Rheims when he was sixteen, and was ordained a priest in 1678. Soon after ordination he was put in charge of a girls' school, and in 1679 he met Adrian Nyel, a layman who wanted to open a school for boys. Two schools were started, and Canon de la Salle became interested in the work of education. He took an interest in the teachers, eventually invited them to live in his own house, and tried to train them in the educational system that was forming in his mind. This first group ultimately left, unable to grasp what the saint had in mind; others, however, joined him, and the beginnings of the Brothers of the Christian Schools were begun.
Seeing a unique opportunity for good, Canon de la Salle resigned his canonry, gave his inheritance to the poor, and began to organize his teachers into a religious congregation. Soon, boys from his schools began to ask for admission to the Brothers, and the founder set up a juniorate to prepare them for their life as religious teachers. At the request of many pastors, he also set up a training school for teachers, first at Rheims, then at Paris, and finally at St.-Denis. Realizing that he was breaking entirely new ground in the education of the young, John Baptist de la Salle wrote books on his system of education, opened schools for tradesmen, and even founded a school for the nobility, at the request of King James of England.
The congregation had a tumultuous history, and the setbacks that the founder had to face were many; but the work was begun, and he guided it with rare wisdom. In Lent of 1719, he grew weak, met with a serious accident, and died on Good Friday. He was canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1900, and Pope Pius XII proclaimed him patron of schoolteachers.
Minute Meditations - April 7
"When Jesus had offered one sacrifice for sins, He took His seat at the right hand of God."
(Hebrews 10:12)
"When you are at Mass, be there as if you were on Calvery.
For it is the same sacrifice and the same Jesus Christ Who is doing for you what He did on the Cross for all human beings."
- St. John Baptist de la Salle
Jesus, my Redeemer, at each Mass let me thank You for the supreme sacrifice You offered to free me from sin. Help me to be sorry for my sins and to resolve to follow You more closely.
- Every Day is a Gift
Tags: Minute Meditations
Seven Sorrows of Mary
Today we celebrate the feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.This is a devotion instituted in the course of the thirteenth century, in honor of the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, endured by her in compassion for the suffering and death of her Divine Son.
1. Prophecy of Simeon - reflect on and sympathize in the sorrow of our Blessed Lady, when she presented her Divine Child in the Temple, and heard from the aged Simeon that a sword of grief should pierce her soul on His account.
Pray: One Our Father, Seven Hail Marys
2. Flight into Egypt - reflect on her sorrow when, to escape the cruelty of King Herod, she was forced to fly into Egypt with St. Joseph and her beloved Child.
Pray: One Our Father, Seven Hail Marys
3. Three-day Separation from Jesus in Jerusalem - reflect on her grief, when, in returning from Jerusalem she perceived that she had lost her dear Jesus, whom she sought sorrowing during three days.
Pray: One Our Father, Seven Hail Marys
4. Meeting Christ on the Road to Calvary - reflect on her meeting her Divine Son, all bruised and mangled, carrying His cross to Calvary, and seeing Him fall under His heavy weight.
Pray: One Our Father, Seven Hail Marys
5. Crucifixion and Death of Jesus Christ - reflect on her standing by when her Divine Son was lifted up on the cross, and the blood flowed in streams from His sacred wounds.
Pray: One Our Father, Seven Hail Marys
6. Our Lord is Taken Down from the Cross (Pieta) - reflect on her sorrow, when her Divine Son was taken down from the cross, and she received Him into her arms.
Pray: One Our Father, Seven Hail Marys
7. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is Buried in the Tomb - contemplate her following His sacred body, as it was borne by Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus, to the sepulchre, enclosed there, and hidden from her sight.
Pray: One Our Father, Seven Hail Marys
Pray: Three Hail Marys in honor of the Sorrowful tears of Our Lady
V. Pray for us, O most Sorrowful Virgin
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, we now implore, both for the present and for the hour of our death, the intercession of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, whose holy soul was pierced at the time of Thy Passion by a sword of grief. Grant us this favor, O Saviour of the world, Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost for ever and ever. Amen.
Benedict XIII., September 26th, 1724, granted an indulgence of two hundred days for every Our Father and every Hail Mary to those who, with sincere contrition, and having confessed, or firmly purposing to confess their sins, shall recite this Chaplet on any Friday, or on any day of Lent, on the Festival of the Seven Dolours, or within the Octave; and one hundred days on any other day of the year.
Clement XII., December 12, 1734, confirmed these indulgences, and moreover granted:--
All these indulgences were confimred by a decree of January 17th, 1747, and rendered applicable to the souls in Purgatory.
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Music That Matters: UPDATED!
I have added full length songs (playable only) to each Music that Matters post. It may take awhile to load the song, but be patient (each is 3-5 MB).
I think I am allowed to share the full songs like this, since they cannot be downloaded or pirated.
For a full collection of the Music That Matters post, please click here.
It takes a little more time, but this way you can hear the song while reading the lyrics since it opens in a new window.
Let me know what you think!
JPII Statue
(Hat Tip: Amy Welborn at Open Book)
Story out of India about a larger-than-life (about 3 times as large) stature of JPII with symbolic steps.
Image here.
Story from The Hindu here.
Minute Meditations - April 6
"We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life."
(Romans 6:4)
"Christ is our life. Let us therefore look to Christ.
He came to suffer in order to merit glory; to seek contempt in order to be exalted. He came to die but also to rise again."
- St. Augustine
Heavenly Father, through my baptism I was buried with Christ and rose to a new life of grace. Let me so guard that life that I will enjor it fully in Heaven with Christ.
- from Every Day is a Gift
Tags: Minute Meditations
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Minute Meditations - April 5th
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."
(Mark 12: 30-31)
"If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, approach God first with all your heart.
Ask him simply to fill you with love, the greatest of all virtues; with it you can accomplish what you desire."
Heavenly Father, grant me the grace to love You above all things and to do all my actions out of love for you. Help me to love others and work for their salvation.
Tags: Minute Meditations
Music That Matters: The Answer to the Question
I haven't posted a Song of the Day for the Week lately, so I am going to be posting several this week. Today's song is by a Christian band called Tree 63, and is named from their self-titled CD released March 9, 2004, "The Answer to the Question".
I recently heard this song on Air 1 again, and it brought back the memories of when I began re-listening to "Alternative Christian" music after decade of not listening to it. This particular song was getting a lot of airplay, to the point where I was pretty sick of it. Then I felt bad (that Catholic Guilt) for turing the station when it did come on because the message was good, but the song was getting on my nerves.
As I was hearing "How could I sing about anything but Him?" I felt like it was saying to me, "How could you listen to anything but Him?"
Listen to the song here.
The Answer to the Question
by Tree63
Album - The Answer to the Question
Im growing tired of a mouth shut tight
When all I want to do is
Tell the whole world about the Man sitting
At the right hand of the One in heaven
How could I sing
About anything but Him?
He is the Answer to the Question
He is the Cure for the Infection
He is all He says He is
He is the Ultimate Reflection
Of holiness and true perfection
He is all He says he is
How can I not cry?
Watching as the world dies
Without a prayer
They run to their own gods, roughshod
Blind to the living God of earth and heaven
How could they sing Of everything but Him?
Written by John Ellis © 2004 mouthfulofsongs/Birdwing Music/ Near Bliss Music (ASCAP) All rights administered by EMI CMG Publishing
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Indian director hopes to cast Paris Hilton as Mother Teresa - Yahoo! News
I can't think of anyone less suited to portray Mother Teresa.
Read the story here.